Question:  How to Navigate and use the Medical Module – Exams & Tests?

Detailed Answer: 

Whether its routine care, vaccinations and preventative or a major medical issue, it’s never been easier to maintain the records than in the medical module. Not only that, when dog get adopted, the medical records can be emailed to the adopter! No more scraps of paper or medical records for the adopter to lose (come on, you all know that has happened). You can even email them to the adopter’s veterinarian if you want. So, let’s get started.

Select the dog from the Dog Roster, which will bring up their record. From there, select the Medical Tab under Internal Information.

This will bring up the Medical Module with various options/screens for you to complete.

Exams & Tests

This is where you will enter such things as Wellness Exams and Injury/Illness Exams, along with the routine tests for Heartworm, Blood-borne Disease and Fecal.

  1. Go to the +Add Exam link to get a drop-down box where you can start entering exams. HINT: It’s best to do this in chronological order of the exams to have a comprehensible printout for your adopter.

  2. The Select Exam(s) gives you a list of options, along with the catch-all “Other.”

  3. Here, the first exam was a wellness (general) exam on intake due to limping. The example also shows that the x-rays and report were uploaded to the system (very handy to show the next vet when you forget to take all the records with you!)

  4. When you are done with this exam click on the Submit Exam button in the lower right corner which will record the exam. If you ever need to review the exam, just click on bar for it. If you need to edit it for any reason, click on the pencil.

  5. To add another exam, click on the +Add Exam link to get a new exam box to be completed. Don’t forget to click the Submit Exam button to save the exam to the system.

  6. For each exam, a new bar will be inserted with all the information you have entered.

  7. You can keep going as the exams occur or, like so many rescuers who have a lot to do, at any time it’s convenient. For me, it’s often midnight!


If you conduct routine testing on your dogs for heartworm, blood-borne diseases (like erlichia, lyme and anaplasma), along with fecal testing, this is where you will enter those tests.

  1. Choose the test you want to enter from the options given. While most rescuers refer to the 4DX test as a “heartworm” test, here it is used mean heartworm only. Don’t use it for the multi- purpose test, use the 4DX bar.

  2. Click on the test you want to record and fill in the information.

  3. You are now going to want to do the same thing for the fecal test, if performed.

You are now done with this section – BUT REMEMBER to click Update before leaving the module to make sure your info is saved!

“BUT WAIT!” you say? “Where’s the parvo, blood and all the other testing?” Well, that’s covered over in Medical Treatments, so head there for more information!