Question:  Adding a Foster as a User

Detailed Answer: 

We are all overworked, right? Well, what if your fosters could update information on their foster dogs – from Routine and Disposition, to adding their monthly dose of heartworm preventative. That would save some time, right? Well now you can, and it is so easy too!

And don’t worry, once a foster is added, the only thing they will have access to is their own foster dogs! So, they can’t mess up all your hard work!

  1. After logging in to the back end of the website, hover over your name in the right-hand side of the screen. In the drop-down box, pick Add A New User.
  2. You will get a new screen where you will fill in the information on the new user:
  3. Next is the Generate Password button, click on it to show the password the system has assigned:

    We all understand website security, but that password is one that even a super hero would have no more of a chance of remembering than a rib bone has with a hungry dog! But don’t worry, the foster can change it to a password of their choice!

  4. Now, obviously, you are going to want to let the foster know they’ve been registered and the login information, so check the Send User Notification box.
  5. Now select the role you want the user to have and click Add New User!
  6. Last, but not least, click the Add New User button which will send an email like the one below winging its way through cyberspace to the foster. (One less thing for you to do!). It also will add the foster to the User list.

Now check out our tutorial on What to Tell Your Foster To Do – no, not jump off a bridge, but how to get into and use the system!