Question:  How do I return a Dog or Cat to rescue?

Detailed Answer: 

So, Fido or Fluffy didn’t work out and is returned to rescue or, years down the line, the owner dies and you get the pet back. It is o’ so easy to get the pet back and active on the website. There are several ways to get to where you need to go.

Using the Dog’s Name

Assuming you can remember the name of the dog while in rescue:

  1. Once you have logged in to the backend of the website, from your Dashboard select Dog Roster.
  2. From here, you could do it by going to the Adopted tab and searching for the dog, but we’re all about saving time and aggravation. The easiest way, by far, is to enter the dog’s name or the adopter’s name in the search box at the top of the screen.
  3. After you hit enter, the sleuths of the software will find all the dogs in the system with that name and bring you up a box for you to choose the one you want.
Using the Adopter’s Name

BUT WAIT – for the life of you, the name of the dog in rescue escapes you and the adopter. Well, you can search from the Adopter Roster!

  1. From your Dashboard, select Adopter Roster.
  2. Again, you could search through the hundreds of adopters for the right name, but you probably have better things to do! So in the box at the top, enter the adopter’s name.
  3. When you enter the name, again you will get a pop-up box with all adopters by that name, where you can click on the dog’s name to bring up its page:
Using the Microchip or Pet ID Number

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! What if the dog is running loose and you are contacted to take the dog in but all you have is the microchip number and/or the Pet ID number from its tags, but no rescue name or adopter/owner. Simple.

  1. From your Dashboard, go to the Dog Roster.
  2. In the search box, enter the microchip number or Pet ID number:
  3. Again, it will bring you up the pop-up box with the dog matching that ID:
The Flow is the Same from Here on Out

No matter how you get the pop-up box, the flow is the same from there.

  1. Click on the dog’s name to bring up the dog’s page. See that little tag at the top that says “Return to Rescue”? Click on it.
  2. You will now get a pop up to enter the new status of the dog and the reason for the return.You will also need to choose the Adopter’s status. If they are a good adopter, but wrong dog, you might want to send them back to Final Approval to wait for another dog. If they are an idiot and you will never give them a dog again, you might want to send them to Denied. If they are dead or unlocatable, you might want to just close the application. Your choice, but you do have to pick one.
  3. Once you’ve filled out all the information, click on the Return to Rescue button to tell the boffins at Buzz to start moving things where they belong.
  4. The dog is now back, in this case, under Available Dogs, and its Timeline reflects it has been returned to rescue:And, if you ever want to know the reason for the return, just hover over   the by Reason and you will get a pop-up with the reason.
  5. Before you jump with joy at the ease of getting the dog back to rescue in the software, you will now need to assign it a foster. If you don’t know how, check out our handy instruction sheet Foster Application Processing and Assignment.

All done! Go have a beverage of your choice and play with your foster dogs!