Question:  Rescue Databases – Breeders

If you are a rescue which takes in dogs from breeders, works with authorities to shut down bad breeders, or takes dogs from hording situations, the Breeder database may come in handy. When logging in a new dog, when answering the question “Where did dog come from?” if you select “Breeder”, the software will give you a drop-down list of the breeders you have entered in the database.

Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

To let the minions of website magic know the breeders to pull information for, you will need to set up the database. It’s a piece of cake (which sounds good right about now!)

  1. To get to the database module, hover over your name in the upper right-hand corner of the Dashboard on the backend of the website. From the drop-down menu, select Rescue Databases.

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

  2. You will now have the Database Menu on your screen from where you can manage all the information!

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

  3. Select the Breeders’ button, then click on the Add A Breeder button on the right.

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

  4. You will now have a pop-up box where you can enter all the information about the breeder.

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

  5. If you scroll down, there is also a place to make note of the conditions of the “facility,” and the number of dogs housed there.

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

  6. If they are licensed, you can also enter that information, as well as your contact person.

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

  7. Once you click on save, the minions of website magic will add it to your database for use in the future.

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

  8. Continue to add as many breeders as you want.

Once all are added, you are done with the database (although you can always enter another breeder at any time).