Question:  How Do I Integrate My Site with Adopt a Pet?

Detailed Answer: 

Log into Adopt a Pet via this link:

Add Buzz as a “Pet Publicist”
  1. From the “My Info” menu, select “Add Pet Publicist”
  2. Fill in the form’s three orange required fields to add [email protected] from Buzz to the Rescues to your account. Adopt a Pet requires this, as they will then login to your account to setup and monitor your AutoUploading for you.
    Note: it does not matter what you put in the password field, as it will not be used, their original password is retained. The important retained field is the [email protected] email address.
  3. Click the add button
  4. Click “okay” on the alert that [email protected] already exists as a publicist.
Get the code for the integration
  1. In the top menu, select Shelter/Rescue
  2. Select Auto Upload/Import Pets
  3. Leave all radio buttons as they are – do not change anything
  4. Select your software > select “none of the above”
  5. Click “Save my settings” Button
Provide the code for the integration to Buzz
  1. After you click “Save my settings” you will see the following response on the screen with your credentials
    FTP Username 12345
    FTP Server
    FTP Password XXXXXXXX
  2. eMail [email protected] with your rescue name and the FTP Username and Password

Note from Adopt a Pet:

* The first upload from any software will permanently erase ALL your pet data on your account, including any adopted pets, adopter info, and microchip info. Please proceed carefully! You may want to Export your pets and adopter data first. You can not add it back later on, but it saves a copy on your computer.

* If you are already AutoUploading from another software, be sure to deactivate (set to “off”) that software’s AutoUpload export to first, both in the software and on That way your new software’s uploading will not cause errors in adding your pets.