Reports for donations are easy!
  1. On the left Navigation, go to “Donations”
  2. Select “Tools”
  3. At the top of the page, Select “Export”
  4. In the top, middle of the page, Select “Generate CSV”
  5. Filter by Donation Form: You can determine if you want the data for all of your forms or just certain ones. The main donation form is calld “Donate Today”. The form in the footer of most sites is called “Donate”.
  6. Filter by Date: You can leave this blank if you want all records
  7. Filter by Status: You can select the payment staus in this field. For example, if you only want to see pending donations, select pending
  8. Subscriptions related payments only: Leave this “Disabled”
  9. Standard columns: Leave all boxes checked if you want to include the data
  10. Finally, at the bottom of the page, Select “Generate CSV”
  11. The steps above will provide you with a CSV file that includes all of your desired data