Question:  How Do I Change My Password?
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Short Answer:  You can change your password in the back end through Dashboard > Users > Your Profile.
Detailed Answer:  So, your Admin gave you a password which is the worst in the world or you really want to get rid of the password with your ex’s name. Not a problem! Whatever the reason, it’s easy to change your password. Log in to the back end of the website. On the left side, scroll down almost to the bottom of the list and hover on “Users”:


You will see a pop up which has a listing of the options for Users, click on “Your Profile”:

That will bring up your profile:


If you scroll down to the bottom, you will see a Generate Password button under Account Management:


That will give you a new password which you have no more of a chance of remembering than a rib bone has with a hungry dog!


Have no fear, you can change it to something you can remember!  Just highlight and delete the password in the box


Then enter the one you want and, when you are done, click on the Update User button to save it to the system.

NOTE:  The system will not let you save a password until the Strong icon appears!

At the top of your screen, you will get a User Updated notification and you are done! 


<h6>Account Types:</h6>
Crucial | Central | Complete
Rescue Admin | Dog & People Admin | Dog Admin | Cat & People Admin | Cat Admin