Question:  How Do I Request a Custom Report?
Detailed Answer:  First check to make sure the report you want isn’t already available under the Reports section. To get there, go to the reports link on the left side of the Dashboard.

There are several reports available in that module.

HINT:  You also can access your DNA list from the module, which is a quick way to get to it when an application comes in.

If the report you need isn’t in the module, then click on the “Request a Report” button above the dog’s head.

HINT:  If you already know the report isn’t in the preformatted reports, you can access the Request a Report from the Connect with Buzz section on your Dashboard.

Either way, it will take you to a screen where you can outline the report you need:

Once you have set out the techno-gymnastics you want the Buzz Team to perform to produce your report, click on the Submit button.

You will get a confirmation screen that your request was received, along with an email.

That’s all there is to it!