Question:  How do I add a page to my site?
Detailed Answer:  You’ve built a fabulous new web page, now you want to add it to your website for the world to enjoy. Not a problem!

  • After logging into the back end, go to the Public-facing website by clicking on the name of your website in the upper left of the screen:

website adding page

  • Once there, hover over the name of your group and select Menus:

  • Once the Menu screen comes up, you can pick the page you want to add from the left menu box. 

HINT:  The most recently edited pages will be at the top of the list, but you can choose to look for another page by clicking on the View All or Search Tab.

  • After choosing your page, click on Add to Menu.  This will add the page to the bottom of the listing of pages.

  • From there, just click, drag and drop the file where you want it to appear!

  • Then click on Save Menu at the top of the page:

Your page is now live on the website!

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