Question:  How Do I Remove a Page from My Site?
Short Answer:  After logging in, you can remove a page from the Public-facing webpage through Menus.
Detailed Answer:  There may be instances where you want to remove a page from your website. It’s easy to delete one!

  • After logging into the back end, go to the Public-facing website by clicking on the name of your website in the upper left of the screen:

website adding page

  • Once there, hover over the name of your group and select Menus:

  • Once the Menu screen comes up, scroll down and find the page you want to remove in the Menu Structure module.   Once you find it, click on the down arrow

  • A drop down box will appear where you can click on Remove.
  • It will now disappear from the Menu Structure:

  • Then click on Save Menu at the top of the page:

    Your page has now been removed from the website!

    NOTE:  Your page will still appear on the Pages listing on your Dashboard in case you ever need to add it again!

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