Question:  Application Process – Conditional Approval
Detailed Answer: 

Sometimes when processing the application there is that point where you’re in a quandary – it’s a great application so you don’t want to deny it, but there’s that one little pesky item which doesn’t allow you to approve the application at this stage. Maybe it’s a hole in the fence that needs fixing, or the vet tells you that the current dog is overdue for vaccinations, that’s where the Conditional Approval comes in.

  1. If you select Conditional Approval (at any stage during the application processing), you can use the drop-down box to select why (or add a Note). When you click on the Send Email, you can craft an email that lets the applicant know what the problem is and how to fix it.
  2. When you’re done, click the Send Now button and your email will go winging through cyberspace to the applicant. Meanwhile, don’t forget to click the Update Process button so the application will be sent to the Conditional Approval tab on the Adopter Roster.
  3. The adopter’s Time Line & Notes section will show that the application has been conditionally approved (in this example at the Home Visit stage).
  4. If the adopter fixes the problem, it’s super simple to remove the conditional approval and change it to a full approval (or if they haven’t and won’t to change it to a denial). Just go to the back end of the website and from your dashboard, pull up dog adopters, and go to the Conditional Approval tab.
  5. All adopters who have a conditional approval will be listed there, along with the reason for the status. Pick the one you want to change.
  6. Under the Time Line, go to the stage where you conditionally approved the application and click on the pencil   to edit that stage.
  7. Click on Approved and, if you want, enter the reason the application is now being approved. You can also send the adopter an email indicating they have cleared this hurdle. Just click on the Send Email bar to get the text box where you can edit the pre- existing message. When ready, click Send Now bar.
  8. To update the status of the application, click on Update Process. This will change the status on the Time Line to Approved for that step and move the application on to the next step.

And, folks, that’s a wrap on Conditional status!