Question:  Application Process – Denial
Detailed Answer: 

At some point in time, we all have gotten an application to adopt where the only thing the person should adopt is a stuffed animal. You know, ones that want a guard dog, an outside dog, a dog for their toddler, and so on.

  1. To deny an application at any point, pull up the adopter’s record in the back end of the website. Click on Deny.
  2. In the reason box there is a long list of reasons for denial, including other just in case one of the preset ones doesn’t work. You can pick any number of reasons you want. If you pick “Other” you will get a text box where you can enter the reasons.
  3. if you want to send the email your Admin has crafted (or write one of your own), click on the Send Email button. (It will not send the email to the applicant yet – it just takes you to the email text box).
  4. When you’re done, click the Send Now button and your email will go winging through cyberspace to the applicant.
  5. Meanwhile, don’t forget to click the Update Process button so the application will be sent to the Denied tab on the Adopter Roster.
  6. The adopter’s Time Line & Notes section will show that the application has been denied (in this example at the Initial stage).
  7. If you ever want to check to see why an application was denied, go to the stage on the application where you see the denial banner and click on the pencil to see and/or edit that stage.

And, in the immortal words of Bugs Bunny –that’s all folks!