Question:  Dog House – Notification Emails?
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Detailed Answer: 

When an adopter, foster or volunteer files an application through the website, we’re betting you might like to know about it! We’ll Buzz has the solution! You just need to check the Notification Emails section of the Dog House to get that set up.

  1. Log into the back end of the website. Once in, hover over your name in the right-hand corner until you get a drop-down menu. Select Dog House (and no you are not in trouble!).


  2. When you get to the Dog House, you will land on the Profile tab. Select Notification Emails.


  3. The first tab relates to Dog Adoption Applications.


  4. Your first decision is who do you want to receive these notifications? You can send it to more than one email address if you want, as well. Once you decide, fill in the email address(es) in the To: section.


  5. The next section has been set up to automatically forward the person’s name, contact information, and the name of the dog(s) in which they are interested. If you need more information than that, please contact Support to discuss it since it involves recoding, dynamic test from the applications program and all sorts of other geeky stuff.


  6. The next is the Applicant Notification email. Here, the applicant’s email address will be automatically generated, but you may want to change the subject line and put a nice note about your process, that you’re all overworked and underpaid so it may take a few days, or other information you would want the adopter to know.


  7. When you are done, scroll down and click on Update Options in the lower left-hand corner or scroll up to the upper right-hand corner and click on Update Options. This step is so important, we’ve given it to you twice! Without it, the controllers of coding won’t know what to put on your page since, after all, they’re techies not mind readers!


  8. Wasn’t that easy? Now you get to do it a few more times for each of the application processes you have (foster, volunteer, cat adoptions, etc.). Just click on each tab on the top, fill in the text and click Update Options. Then move on to the next until all are done.


We know we sound like a broken record reminding you to Update Options after completing each screen, but we don’t want to see you have to do it again because it wasn’t saved. After all, once this is done, you never have to do it again! It’s saved for good – one less thing on your busy schedule.