Question:  Dog House – Options

Just two little items to go and you’ll be finished setting up your Dog House! We promise, this will only take a few minutes to complete but save you hours of time in the long run!

  1. Log into the back end of the website. Once in, hover over your name in the right-hand corner until you get a drop-down menu. Select Dog House (and no you are not in trouble!).


  2. When you get to the Dog House, you will land on the Profile tab. Select Options.

    DOG HOUSE – Options

  3. The first thing you need to decide is whether to show your adoption fee on the website. If you recall, back when setting up the Contract Module, there was a section for Adoption Fees/Donations. If you want the website wizards to automatically calculate your adoption fee (if you have a sliding scale) based on the age of the dog, or enter your standard adoption fee automatically, then put it on the dog’s public page, click yes. Otherwise, click no.

    DOG HOUSE – Options

    • Some rescues suggest doing this since then everyone knows what the fee is and won’t bug you about “how much” or have sticker shock at the fee – you know those folks who think all rescue dogs should be free!

    • If you want to change the adoption fee for a specific dog or manually enter the adoption fee for all dogs, you can do that through the dog’s webpage. Just click the $ by My Pack Section (under the Update Button.

      DOG HOUSE – Options

    • Then enter the amount manually. You can also decide whether you want to show the fee on the website for each dog, which will override the global yes/no decision you put in Options.

      DOG HOUSE – Options

    • If you do decide to show the fee, it will show up on the dog’s webpage:

  4. Next are the Tag Options. No, we are not going out in the yard to play tag with the foster dogs (yet)…these are tags which are not seen on the public pages but are for your use internally. They will appear on the dog’s backend – wait a minute, that didn’t come out right – I mean they will appear on the dog’s page on the backend of the website:

    DOG HOUSE – Options

  5. Buzz has given you several standard ones:

    DOG HOUSE – Options

    • If there are any specific to your rescue which you want to add, you can by clicking the Add Option button. This will insert a new line:

      DOG HOUSE – Options

    • Type in the new Internal Tag. You can keep adding tags until you have exhausted all possibilities, then click on Update Options in the lower right corner so the minions of the website will wake up and save them to your profile.

      DOG HOUSE – Options

That’s it! We told you it would be quick! Now go celebrate by playing that game of tag in the yard with your dog or cuddle on the couch with your cat.