Question:  Rescue Databases – Services

If you are tracking Income & Expense per dog on the dog’s profile, then the Services database will save you some time and aggravation!

When entering expenses under the Financial Tab, after the Vendor you will be prompted to note whether it is for a service. If you click on Service, it will give you a drop-down box listing the categories and services you’ve entered in the database.

Dog House - Rescue Databases, services

This is the easiest of all the databases to set up! So, to let the plotters of the program software know what information to pull, you will need to set up the database.

  1. To get to the database module, hover over your name in the upper right-hand corner of the Dashboard on the backend of the website. From the drop-down menu, select Rescue Databases.

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

  2. You will now have the Database Menu on your screen from where you can manage all the information!

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, Breeders

  3. Select the Services button, then click on the Add A Service button on the right.

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, services

  4. Fill out the category (Boarding, grooming, etc.) and then the service provided – you already have the vendor’s name, so you would want to focus on what was provided (full groom, bath & brush, boarding & day care, etc.)

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, services

  5. Once you click Save, the Service will be added to your database. Continue following the above steps to add as many services as you want or need.

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, services

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, services

    You’ll get a pop-up box where you can add the category and service. Once you click on the Add Service button, it will be added to the profile you are working on and the database!

    Dog House - Rescue Databases, services

Now wasn’t that easy as pie? Speaking of pie, I think I’ll take a break and head for the kitchen – you should too!