
This is the status of the donation payment. Note that only the “Rescue Admin” and “GiveWP Manager” roles can change Transaction Statues. These are the available statuses and their purpose:


The donation succeeded. This happens automatically when your payment Gateway sends the confirmation to your website. Set this manually when you are recording the receipt of offline donations.


The donation is not yet confirmed. This can happen for a lot of reasons, but the most common is that you have enabled Test Mode, or that the Payment Gateway is still processing or cannot confirm the donor’s information for one reason or another. See the PayPal Standard FAQ for troubleshooting pending donations with that gateway.


You can set this status to issue the donor a refund. Some Gateways may require additional action to be taken on their platform.


You can deny donations with this status.


This happens automatically when the Payment Gateway cannot confirm the donor payment information, or if the payment information is false or there are no funds available with that account.
Abandoned — in some cases, a donor may start filling out the donation form and not complete their donation. In that case the information that has been received will be recorded and this status will appear.


You may choose to set this status for offline payments that were never received. This status typically does not get set automatically from the Payment Gateway.