Question:  How Do I Add a User?
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Detailed Answer:  After logging in to the back end of the website, scroll down the menu on the left to Users. If you hover over Users, you will get a pop up with three options – choose Add New.



You will get a new screen where you will fill in the information on the new user:


HINT:  Choose the nickname carefully!  It cannot be changed later without deleting the user and re-adding them.

HINT:  You will see a Show Password button, click on it to show the password the system has assigned:


That new password is one that even a super hero would have no more of a chance of remembering than a rib bone has with a hungry dog!

Have no fear, you can change it to something that can be remembered!  Just highlight and delete the password in the box.


Then enter the one you want.  NOTE:  The system will not let you save a password until the Strong icon appears!


NOTE:  Alternatively, you can keep the incomprehensible password and let them change it to whatever they want.  Just send them the link to the How Do I Change My Password cheat sheet on the Knowledge Base.

All that is left is to select the role you want the user to have and click Add New User!



HINT:  Since the “Send the new user an email about their account” box is checked, you don’t have to send the log in, etc. on their account. One less step to save you time!