Question:  How Do I Integrate My Site with Petfinder?

Detailed Answer: 

We will need your Petfinder Account number (it is something like CA2626) and your FTP Credentials.

These credentials are not the same as the ones used to login to the Petfinder web interface. To get the FTP username and Password, please do the following:

  1. Send an eMail to the Petfinder support team.

    We have provided the subject and body text below. Simply copy/paste it to an eMail to them and they will respond back to you with what we need. It usually takes less than 48 hours.Petfinder Support Team’s eMail address: [email protected].
    Subject: Integration with Buzz to the Rescues
    eMail Text: Please provide access to our account to Buzz to the Rescues. Also, please provide us with our FTP credentials for auto-import.

  2. Send your account number and the FTP Username and Password to [email protected]