Question:  How Do I Request a Feature for the System?
Detailed Answer: 

You woke up this morning and even before coffee had a great idea for the software which would make your life – and all other harried rescuers lives – better! Well, we want to hear about it. To send it to us, just following these simple instructions:

  1. After logging in to the back end of the website, scroll down to the Connect with Buzz section on your Dashboard and click on Request a Feature.
  2. You will get a screen where you can outline the feature you think will make the website better or more user-friendly:
    website request a feature
  3. You can even attach pictures, doodles, charts, graphs or whatever might help us to understand your wonderful idea!
  4. Once you have set out your idea and, if you have it, a screenshot, photo, drawing, etc., click on the Submit button in the lower left hand corner.
  5. You will get a confirmation screen that your request was received.
Keep those ideas coming!

Buzz to the Rescues wants this platform to be the most complete and user- friendly website for over-worked and underpaid rescuers like you!