Question:  How to Navigate and use the Medical Module – Medications?

Detailed Answer: 

Whether its routine care, vaccinations and preventative or a major medical issue, it’s never been easier to maintain the records than in the medical module. Not only that, when dog get adopted, the medical records can be emailed to the adopter! No more scraps of paper or medical records for the adopter to lose (come on, you all know that has happened). You can even email them to the adopter’s veterinarian if you want. So, let’s get started.
Select the dog from the Dog Roster, which will bring up their record. From there, select the Medical Tab under Internal Information.

This will bring up the Medical Module with various options/screens for you to complete.


Along their journey with rescue, many dogs need some medication – from prescriptions to just some over the counter stuff. So, head over to the Medication Tab and let’s get them entered.

  1. First thing, obviously, is to click on Add Medicine.
  2. You will get a screen that allows to you add the medications.
    • Is the medication prescription or over the counter?
    • What’s the medicine name?
    • Who was the medication given by? The name of the vet prescribing or the
      rescue (if you have them set up in the database as a “vet”)
    • How is the medication administered? Mark orally, injected, etc.
      • If Orally is marked it will ask whether before or with a meal. Use No if it doesn’t matter.
      • IfInjectedismarked,itwillaskthelocationfortheinjection.
      • Since we were trying to be diplomatic,you can record such things as a suppository under Other.
    • How often is the medication given? Pick a frequency from the drop-down menu.
    • How long is the dog supposed to get the medication? Chose the duration from the drop-down box.
    • What’s the dosage/strength (10mb, 1 ml, etc). Type in the ml, cc, mg, etc of the medication.
    • Are there refills available? You can type in Yes (and how many), No, or — since it’s not a required field — just leave it blank.
    • Any special instructions? If so, you can put them here.
  3. After adding all the information, remember to click on Save Medicine to record it!
  4. Keep adding medications through the +Add Medication link until all the medication for the dog is listed. Remember to click Update in the upper right-hand corner to save the medication(s) you entered to the module.
  5. Once all the medications are entered and save, you will get a listing of all of them under the Medications Tab. Note: On the right hand side of the medication’s name bar, it has an icon for whether the medication is a RX or OTC.
  6. If at any time you need to go back and edit the information for a medication, just click on the medication and it will bring the screen up for you to enter the new/changed information:

And, in the words of the immortal Porky Pig – That’s all folks! To see how the medication records will look when the wizards of the website compile them, head over to the Documents tab and click on the link you want to view.

To see how to send them to your adopter, check out the Working With Documents informational sheet!