Question:  How to Navigate and use the Medical Module – Microchip & Spay/Neuter?

Detailed Answer: 

Whether its routine care, vaccinations and preventative or a major medical issue, it’s never been easier to maintain the records than in the medical module. Not only that, when dog get adopted, the medical records can be emailed to the adopter! No more scraps of paper or medical records for the adopter to lose (come on, you all know that has happened). You can even email them to the adopter’s veterinarian if you want. So, let’s get started.

Select the dog from the Dog Roster, which will bring up their record. From there, select the Medical Tab under Internal Information.

This will bring up the Medical Module with various options/screens for you to complete.

Microchip & Spay/Neuter

Time for Frizzle to get “tutored” so head on over to the Microchip & Spay/Neuter tab under Medical in the Internal Information section of the dog’s record.

  1. The first portion is the Microchip information. It asks whether the dog arrived microchipped, or whether the rescue did it. Just fill out the requested information, trust me it’s simple!

  2. This portion will also ask whether a rescue ID tag was issued. It can be filled out now, or later if the tag is not issued until adoption.

  3. You have four choices regarding Spay/Neuter.

    1. Dog previously altered: If the dog was already altered on arrival, you will click the “Yes, prior to arrival” button and fill out the requested information:

    2. Rescue altered the dog: Use the Yes, By this Rescue button and fill out the requested information:

    3. Yes, by Adopter: Again, it requests certain information which is easy to fill out. Remember to upload the proof of spay/neuter to the Documents section! (If you don’t know how to do that, check out our handy informational sheet on that)

    4. No, not altered: If the dog is not altered, choose the No button and fill out the requested information. If the dog will eventually be altered, you can note the date to be done in this section as well.

  4. We’re now done with this section (at least for now – you can always come back and fill out or edit any information later).

  5. PLEASE REMEMBER to click the Update Button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen before leaving or going on to the next task. Information entered will not save without doing so and I’d hate for you to have to redo this all again, even though it didn’t take long.