Question:  How to Navigate and use the Medical Module – Vaccines & Preventatives?

Detailed Answer: 

Whether its routine care, vaccinations and preventative or a major medical issue, it’s never been easier to maintain the records than in the medical module. Not only that, when dog get adopted, the medical records can be emailed to the adopter! No more scraps of paper or medical records for the adopter to lose (come on, you all know that has happened). You can even email them to the adopter’s veterinarian if you want. So, let’s get started.

Select the dog from the Dog Roster, which will bring up their record. From there, select the Medical Tab under Internal Information.

This will bring up the Medical Module with various options/screens for you to complete.

Vaccines & Preventatives

In the next tab, you can log any vaccinations and preventatives (heartworm, flea & tick, and wormer) given.

  1. First up here is the Vaccination section where you can log any vaccine given the dog. The vaccines are split into to two groups – core and non-core. The core are the “multiways” (DA2PPv, etc.) and rabies; the non-core are things like Lyme, Bordetella, Giardia, etc.

  2. First question is whether the dog is up to date on vaccines. If you pick yes, you’ll move on to the listings of vaccines. If you pick no, you will get a box asking you why not where you can list the reason (too sick, we’re titering the dog, etc.)

  3. To enter the vaccines in the Core Vaccine section, click on the Select Vaccine box to get a drop- down box listing of the available vaccines and click on the one you want.

    • This will enter the type of vaccine and give you a “bar” (no, not the kind you get a drink from):

    • When you click on it, you will get a box to enter the appropriate information:

  4. To enter a second booster vaccine, either now or later, click on the “+ Additional Dose”

    • You will get another box where you can enter the information, but this time it will say Dose 2 (or 3 or 4, or whatever the appropriate number is):

  5. Repeat this process to enter all the core vaccines the dog has received

  6. Next is the Non-Core Vaccines section where you will repeat the same process until all vaccines are entered.

  7. When you are all done, you will have a screen showing all the vaccines given.

  1. The same process as Vaccines applies to both the Flea & Tick, Heartworm and DeWormer Preventative sections — Click on the preventative module you want, select your type and fill out the box.

    1. There is one little change between the Preventative and Vaccine section – Date Last given. This allows you to quickly enter the monthly doses without having to reenter all the information on the preventative:

    2. For the follow up monthly doses, just log in and change the date last given. You can enter monthly doses individually, but it only allows you to enter a couple of doses and if you have a dog hanging out on your foster’s couch for months on end, that creates a problem – so this is an easy work around.

  2. Please, please, please PLEASE – remember to click Update when you are done with your entries to save them. In fact, burn into your brain to Update often to save your data! The little button is always in the upper right-hand corner!

  3. After updating, if you go back to the Vaccines & Preventative section, you will see all the boxes have collapsed. To get to them again, just click on the one you want to work on to add or edit the information for that item.

You are now done with this section – at least until the next booster vaccine or monthly preventative dose! So, either take a break for some “me time,” or move to the next section!