Question:  Setting up the Contract Module?
Detailed Answer: 

With a properly set up Contract Module, the days of paper contracts are gone for good! No more printing, waiting for adopters to read the contract, fill it out and then, once completed, finding a place to keep it safe so the new foster dog with an affinity for paper doesn’t eat it. Nope – all now safe and cozy on the Buzz platform!

So, let’s get started:
  1. Sign into your back end where you will land at the Dashboard. From there, you need to go to your Dog House – not the one where you go when you’re bad, but the one from which all good things flow. To get there, hover over your name on the right-hand corner of the screen, then click on Dog House.


  2. Once there, you are going to want to choose “Contracts” – duh!


  3. Okay, you need to put on your lawyer hat for a minute and decide whether what you use is an Agreement or a Contract. With an Agreement, only the adopter signs; but if your rescue is agreeing to do certain things (give next vaccinations, spay the dog, or whatever) then you need a Contract where both you and the adopter sign.


  4. If you have chosen Contract, the module is set up to insert the Rescue Director’s (or whomever you decide) signature, which you are going to have to upload. So, sign a piece of paper, take a picture, add it to your Media library and upload it here.


    Once you do, you will get this:


    HINT: Make sure the photo is no larger than 300 px x 200px, or your signature block will take up the entire screen and be really overpowering on the contract!

  5. Then just fill in the title of the person signing. Yes, it says Rescue Director Signature, but that’s just to see if your awake or whether you need another cup of coffee!


  6. Next comes the task of adding on your contract clauses to the website. If you have a lawyer on your Board, this can be a PITA! There are two ways to do this – (1) type each clause into the boxes provided or (2) cut and paste from a Word copy of your contract.




  7. The worst is now over! Just a few more simple steps and you will be contract-automated!!

  8. You need to decide if you want a Post/Pre-Adoption Questionnaire? What the heck is that you ask? A dandy little form with information which may come in handy after the dog is adopted:


  9. If you want this form attached to your Adoption Agreement/Contract, then click “Yes;” if you don’t, click “No” (obviously).


  10. Next comes the part we can’t live without – the money. You need to decide how you want to get the adoption fee/donation to your rescue.


    Just pick one, any one you want!

  11. Almost done … next, decide where you want to send the folks after the adoption contract is submitted. Buzz has built a handy, dandy page “We’re Almost Family,” if you want it, or you can select any other page from the drop-down menu.


    This is what the We’re About to Be Family page looks like – with your rescue/shelter’s name, though:


  12. A little bit more about the money and then you’ll be almost done! Here, you need to decide whether you call the money paid to adopt the dog a “fee” or a “donation.” Yes, there is a difference in some states – if you are unsure, please check with your accountant.


  13. One last pesky little item, what the donation fee/donation is! If you charge a flat fee for all dogs, list it here:


    If you have scaled fees, then click “Yes” and fill in the requested information:


  14. So, are you now ready to enter the 21st Century and save a few trees by automating your Adoption Contract? If yes, click the Update Options button at the lower right of the page.


    If not, forget everything we just did, crawl back into your cave and figure out where to keep all the paper you’ll generate with adoptions.

WOO HOO! You’re now done, done, done!