Question:  Which fields are CLONED for DOGS & CATS?
Detailed Answer: 
To CLONE, start by clicking the clone icon on the right side of the animal’s profile as you see in the image below.

Basic Information Fields
  • Status
  • Tag
  • Featured
  • Bonded – NO
  • Pet Rep
  • Foster
  • Show on Website
  • Manually Change Fee


Public Facing Information Fields
  • ALL Fields


Internal Information Fields: Intake
  • Intake Date
  • Where Did Dog Come From?
  • If Mom is in rescue, Mom is related
  • Is Dog/Cat Part of Litter? If so, Litter Name


Internal Information Fields: Routine
  • All Eating Fields
  • Foster Notes


Internal Information Fields: Disposition
  • None


Internal Information Fields: Medical
  • Intake – All fields
  • Microchip & Spay/Neuter – All Fields EXCEPT Microchip Number
  • Vaccines & Preventatives – All Exams & Tests (including Notes)
  • Medical Conditions – None
  • Medicines – None


Internal Information Fields: Documents
  • Uploaded Documents DO NOT clone


Internal Information Fields: Financial
  • None


Internal Information Fields: Contract
  • None


Timeline Fields:
  • All Notes
  • Foster Event


Foster Record:
  • Dog/Cat will show up on the Foster’s Timeline